
Roxie learned to mix by herself with online courses. She made her debut in January 2020. Three months later, the pandemic stopped her new project! Roxie started to livestream on various platforms in France and Great Britain during the lockdown. Her energic style and animation made her a regular on a Facebook page dedicated to French Riviera DJs during the pandemic. The page had more than 10K followers by the end of the lockdown.

Once life returned to normal, Roxie participated in multiple contests. It opened the doors of Clubs and Festivals where she played alongside famous names like Bakermat, Sound Of Legend, Showtek, and many others. In 2022, she began producing music. She started by releasing mashup packs on Soundcloud and then moved to the production of her music. In 2023, Roxie signed her first track, "MOVE", on the label ALVEDA MUSIC.